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United for a world free from sexual exploitation!


Sawa is a leading Palestinian organization dedicated to providing support, protection and social counseling for survivors of violence. Sawa and its community partners stand for an enhanced social wellbeing, based on values of humanity and gender equality, through a set of differentiated services to combat all types of violence, abuse and neglect practiced against women and children. Sawa’s flagship program is the Listening Program (National Helpline): a free three-digit (121) national phone-line that provides support, medical and legal advice, referral services and counseling to women and children who have been exposed to various forms of violence and abuse, including prostitution. Sawa operates numerous outreach programs in the community, visiting schools, community centers, youth clubs and professional associations to raise awareness in the community on the issue of violence and associated prevention and mitigation methods. Sawa delivers specially-designed training courses for professionals on the issues of violence/sexual violence. Its services are completed by two
mobile clinics: the mobile psycho-social clinic and a mobile sexual and reproductive health clinic.
