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A grassroots abolitionist approach: the first guide of CAP International’s EXIT programme is out!

Handbook EXIT 1
CAP International just published a new guide entitled “A grassroots abolitionist approach” within the scope of its EXIT programme.

A guide to exchanging best practice

This first handbook gathers the best practices of grassroots and survivor-led organisations providing direct assistance to persons in prostitution around the world. Based on the experience of 28 CAP International member-organisations in 18 countries, it highlights the diversity of actions taken by abolitionist NGOs supporting persons in prostitution and their specific and ambitious approach: the abolitionist grassroots approach.

This tool is a guide to good practice for professionals wishing to develop their activity with and for persons in prostitution, and aims to raise awareness of the lesser-known grassroots abolitionist approach.

The grassroots abolitionist approach

This approach, implemented by the members of CAP International, is inspired by the lived experiences and life paths of survivors of prostitution who successfully exited prostitution. It centers prostitution as a form of violence, and seeks to provide comprehensive support for persons in prostitution in addressing the various needs they express, while aiming for a sustainable exit from this system of violence.

By tackling the patterns of oppression and factors of vulnerability that fuel the prostitution system, it offers concrete alternatives for individual and collective emancipation both for persons in prostitution and the communities most impacted by the prostitution system.

The handbook highlights the various support initiatives carried out on the ground by abolitionist organisations in order to meet the primary needs of persons in prostitution (access to food, health, housing, justice) and to strengthen their access to real socioeconomic autonomy (through support for formal and non-formal education, vocational training, income-generating activities or job placement programmes).

The EXIT programme

CAP International’s EXIT programme is implemented by a consortium of 4 member organisations: People Serving Girls at Risks in Malawi, Talita Asia in Mongolia, South Kolkata Hamari Muskan in India and Maiti in Nepal. Its aim is to offer alternatives and exit pathways out of prostitution for women and girls in these countries, and to strengthen the exchange of good practice between the members of the consortium. This guide on “A grassroots abolitionist approach” is the first handbook of the EXIT programme.

Handbook #1

The 44 pages’ handbook is available in EnglishFrenchSpanishGermanPortuguese

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