The humanist association “Sisters – für den Ausstieg aus der Prostitution! e.V.” (Sisters – for the exit from prostitution! e.V.) has set itself the goal of fighting against the injustice system of prostitution and for the prostituted women/persons. Prostitution is incompatible with the dignity of the human being. “Sisters” advocates for the implementation of the Nordic Model, engages in public relations work, informs and networks with organizations and initiatives that also believe in a world without prostitution. In order to enable more and more women to make their way out of prostitution, “Sisters” empowers its local and nationwide members to give a helping hand to prostituted women/persons who want to exit from prostitution. With the prevention work “Sisters” is doing in schools and youth groups, adolescents are educated about prostitution in order to be able to also recognize, for example, the strategies of so-called lover boys at an early stage and to protect themselves.