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Uni.e.s pour un monde libéré de l'exploitation sexuelle !


Events and initiativesSee all

8 Mar
France and Sweden launch a historic joint diplomatic abolitionist initiative - France

On International Women’s Day, France and Sweden have announced the launch of a joint diplomatic initiative aimed at eliminating trafficking …

1 Jun
Significant impact of our 3rd World Congress in Germany - Germany

After Paris (2014) and New-Delhi (2017), CAP intl hold its third world congress against the sexual exploitation of women and …

8 Jul
EXIT campaign in Portugal: training for young abolitionists in Portugal - Portugal

From the 4th to the 6th of July, CAP international has been invited to participate in a training for Young …

27 Oct
Extension du partenariat stratégique de CAP avec le gouvernement de Suède - France

Paris, Mardi 27 octobre 2020 CAP International et ses 33 organisations membres, qui apportent un soutien direct à plus de …

8 Apr
Le Congrès mondial est de retour pour une 4ème édition ! - Canada

Après Paris (2014), New Delhi (2017) et Mayence (2019), CAP International et ses 35 organisations membres issues de 28 pays …


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